Remote Patient Monitor Resources
What Your Health Center Needs to Know
What Your Health Center Needs to Know
HRSA: Health Center Quality Improvement
Performance Measures
Performance Measures
National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
Quality Center
Quality Center
Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative
Some of the topics covered are: The Role of Leadership in Creating a Culture of Patient and Family Centered Care
The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Health Care: Providing Patient-Centered Care
Partnerships between Clinicians and Community-Based Organizations to Improve Patient Outcomes
Recorded Webinars
The Team Guide helps build high-functioning teams and provides practical, hands-on tools—easy to use, actionable and measureable. Useful for practices at any stage, the Team Guide is built in modules, enabling practices to easily pinpoint relevant topics and areas of interest. It’s free, with a wide array of downloadable tools and resources.
The Primary Team Guide
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Improvement Tracker is a dynamic, interactive tool that allows you to track any of the measures currently available in the Topics area of Just select the measure you want to track (or create your own custom measure), set your aim, and enter your data. The Improvement Tracker automatically graphs your data. It lets you create reports, and even customize them forvarious audiences—your team, your CEO, your community.
Improvement Tracker
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Worksheet
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Worksheet
To successfully share and spread improvement ideas in an organization, the “Seven Spreadly Sins” addresses the common missteps and how to overcome them through practical tips.
IHI “Seven Spreadly Sins”
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Plan your report with the help of the action items and key questions. (Checklist available in word to document)
Your Project Checklist
Talking Quality
Talking Quality
The Extension for Community Health Outcomes
A robust network that provides advanced training to community-based health care providers to manage complex, chronic diseases. Providers are able to gain new skills and knowledge through a series of case-based, interactive learning sessions through video conferencing.
Maternal Health Resources
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every day approximately 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth (WHO, 2023). Complications arising from pregnancy and childbirth contribute to the unfortunate loss of women's lives. Most of these complications emerge during pregnancy and are largely preventable or treatable with appropriate health intervention (WHO, 2023). Learn more in this resource guide.
Maternal Health and Hypertension
World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that around 1.3 million women and girls living with HIV become pregnant each year. In the absence of intervention, the rate of transmission of HIV from a mother living with HIV to her child during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or breastfeeding ranges from 15% to 45% (WHO, n.d.). HIV can be transmitted to a baby during pregnancy, childbirth, and breast/chest feeding, known as perinatal transmission (CDC, 2023). Learn more in this resource guide.
Maternal Health and HIV