Emergency Preparedness

In 2015, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published the National Preparedness Goal which establishes the five mission areas. These mission areas are an update to the previous Four Phases of Emergency Management. Under the National Preparedness Goal, there are 32 core capabilities, or activities, that should be focused on by all community members. Each capability can span to multiple mission areas such as planning (all five mission areas) or limited to specific areas such as Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment (Mitigation). This was created to ensure activities were developed to encompass all hazards, including terrorist attacks and man-made disasters, and ensure all community members can identify their role in emergency preparedness.

Programs and Initiatives

Find details on FEMA mission areas and links to organizations and information that can help you improve your emergency preparedness.

Prevention: The Prevention mission area comprises the capabilities necessary to avoid, prevent or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. It is focused on ensuring optimal preparation to prevent an imminent terrorist attack within the United States.

Core Capabilities: Planning, Public Information Warning, Operational Coordination, Information Sharing

FQHCS: Planning, Information Sharing

Protection: The Protection Framework comprises the capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters.

Core Capabilities: Planning, Access Control and Identity Verification

FQHCs: Planning, Access Control and Identity Verification

Mitigation: Mitigation comprises the capabilities necessary to reduce the loss of life and property by identifying strategies to lessen the impact of disasters.

Core Capabilities: Planning, Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment

FQHCs: Planning, Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment

Response: Response encompasses the capabilities necessary to save lives, protect property and the environment, and meet basic human needs after an incident has occurred.

Core Capabilities: Planning, Situational Assessment, Public Health, Health Care and Medical Services

FQHCs: Planning, Public Health, Health Care and Medical Services

Recovery: Recovery comprises “the core capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively.”

Core Capabilities: Planning, Health and Social Services, Economic Recovery

FQHCs: Planning Health Services, Economic Recovery

National Preparedness Goal

Emergency Preparedness


Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Policy Information Notices

Health Center Emergency Management Program Expectations

Provides guidance on emergency management expectations for health centers to assist them in planning and preparing for future emergencies.


Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) Coverage for Health Center Program Grantees Responding to Emergencies (PIN 2007-16)

Clarifies the circumstances under which FTCA-deemed Health Center Program grantees (section 330(e), (g), (h), (i) grantees) are covered under the FTCA as they respond to emergencies and to address frequently asked questions.


Health Centers in Emergencies

This program Assistance letter will help you begin to formulate an emergency preparedness strategy and serves to inform you of the Bureau’s long-term strategy in assisting grantees in local emergency response.


Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services’ Emergency Preparedness Rule

Purpose: to establish national emergency preparedness requirements to ensure adequate planning for both natural and man-made disasters, and coordination with federal, state, tribal, regional and local emergency preparedness systems.

Emergency Preparedness Plan Templates

Community Health Center Emergency Management Plan – Template

(via the Community Health Care Association of New York State)

Essential Components of Emergency Management Plans at Community Health Centers

(via the National Association of Community Health Centers)


Pandemic Influenza Planning

Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Guide for Healthcare Workers and Healthcare Employees

(via Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA])


Active Shooter

Planning for Active Shooter Incidents


Exercise Development

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Templates


Mass Prophylaxis

Health Care Closed Points of Dispensing


Risk Communications

Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)

FEMA Emergency Management Institute Trainings [free online courses]


ICS 100.b (Incident Command System-Beginner) — This course assists centers in establishing an Incident Command Team and basic command/control functions in an emergency. [free online training]


ICS 200.b (ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents) — ICS 200 is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS).


IS-200.HCA: Applying ICS to Healthcare Organizations — IS-200 follows National Incident Management System (NIMS) guidelines and meets the NIMS Baseline Training requirements for IS-200.


IS 700.a (NIMS: An Introduction) — This course introduces and overviews the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents.


IS 800.b (National Response Framework — All health centers are mandated to take this course as established by NIMS Element 10. This course explains the federal response mechanisms and how local, State and other agencies work together in federally declared disasters.)

Emergency Preparedness


Ready Illinois – Sponsored by the state of Illinois to provide information about emergency threats and actions that can be taken before, during and after an emergency


HRSA Preparedness – Information compiled by HRSA to address preparedness issues such as a standard operating procedure, associated with rural territories, health centers and medically vulnerable populations


National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) Emergency Management – Information and tools developed by NACHC on emergency preparedness and continuity of operations planning. These tools are specific to community health centers.


Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response (ASPR) & Public Health Emergency – Provides up to date information on preparedness, current emergencies and disasters, and overall program development from the federal level – Information and resources about preparing for emergencies tailored to individuals, businesses and children


American Red Cross Preparedness Resources – Focuses on vulnerable populations and how to help them recover after the emergency. – The primary national source for information about pandemic flu


Rural Assistance Center, Emergency Management – Information for rural areas on emergency planning. There are free training materials to rural sites as well.


ASPR’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) – The Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) was created to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness.

For more information, please contact Paula Campbell, Associate Vice President of Healthcare Access + Emergency Preparedness