Finance and Operations

Data and Research

IPHCA’s Data & Research staff perform various information gathering, aggregating, formatting and sharing of data with IPHCA members and the general public for the purposes of business intelligence, marketplace analysis, advocacy and grant development, including the needs analysis section of the application to obtain federal grant funding under Section 330 of the Public Health Services Act.

Some data are collected from member community health centers and analyzed to produce “benchmark” reports which allows each to compare their own performance with that of their peers. In addition, data are collected from a wide variety of other sources and organized in a convenient, easily accessible manner to assist members in the complex and challenging tasks of practice management, grant applications and more.

Reports and Research

Economic Engine Report 2025

The Economic Engine Report is a summary of the direct economic impact that health center revenues, expenditures and payroll have on the state of Illinois. In addition to the “traditional” health care model, community health centers in Illinois provide training and employment opportunities for significant numbers of local residents, creating a foundation for local economic investment and stability.

Illinois CHC Demographic and Revenue Sources

These charts show the growth of Illinois health centers since 2008 –2023, as well as a breakdown of patient demographics that include ethnicity, insurance and income level. IPHCA member income sources is also included.

The following reports are available to member survey participants only. To request copy, please contact Susan Gaines, Director of Community Development & Financial Services at

Annual Salary Survey

Clinical Operations Survey

For more information, please contact Cheri Hoots Tabor, Chief Operating Officer